Friday, March 27, 2009

Elope Part II

Thanks to the J. Bride and God's Favorite Shoes for commenting on the first post titled Elope.

I decided to delete that entry because this blog is not as private as it should be. And I don't want to make a stressful situation even more stressful--but I needed to get that off my chest and DAMN it felt so good. Maybe I will start another blog, completely anonymous, where I just say everything I want to say with no consequences.

I'm feeling a little better now, thanks to my awesome friends. Also thanks to my shoes, which I picked up this evening from my friend. I had them shipped to her house and they are super comfortable and so sexy. I have to practice walking in them because I don't normally wear heels, but the shoes are awesome.

I still suggest eloping, or making sure to have the wedding you want and repeating the mantra "Thanks for sharing your opinion, and now back to the bride and groom" take everything people say, save the stuff you like and throw out the rest.

I'm also saying a couple of "Woosas," "Kumbayas," and "Nam Myoho Renge Kyos" to chillax. If I had to do all over again, I'd go get married on a beach somewhere, just Mr. J and I, have it recorded, come back home and show it to friends and family as a sort of "coming out" as Mr. & Mrs. J party. But I'm sure our wedding will be awesome, just as long as I can keep focused on OUR vision and not worry about anyone else's.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I love your is such an inspiration for me as a black woman. Since yours is a blog I frequent and I realize that I am counting on the kindness of strangers and sites such as yours. I am campaigning to win a free wedding. Here is the link
I would appreciate any help you would be willing to offer. Thanks for any help or any ideas you have about soliciting votes or blog posts without being annoying. I just know its going to take the kindess of strangers to help the underdogs win.