Thursday, March 5, 2009

It's a Family Affair: Part Two

Mr. J and I in hats as part of Nisha's Hat Series

Me and my girls for Nisha's Hat Series

Is it vain to love all these different pictures of Mr. J and I together? (And this picture of my back, I think my arms look deceptively toned.)

The photo above was taken by another lovely and talented lady I love, Nisha Sondhe. She has been shooting a series of photos of her friends in hats on Polaroid film. She's also been advising me on a poetry and photography exhibition I've been working on for what seems like forever called Scar Stories. Nisha took some beautiful photos of me and a number of other people for the project. And can I talk to you about her Bombay v New York series? Beautiful shots, it's as close as I'll get to seeing Bombay for now. Just go look at her site and see for yourself!

YES, Nisha is our wedding photographer. Score! Um, and did I mention that she's shooting for $Free.99 as in this is our wedding gift from her. The pictures are going to be amazing because she's an amazing photographer. I heart her photos.

Do I have the coolest friends in the world or do I have the coolest friends in the world?

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